Apr 14, 2020
This is not the first crisis that God’s people have walked through. For the people who believed in Jesus, the Easter narrative is a full-on crisis...until they get to resurrection morning. That evening launched a unique season in Jesus’ life and in the lives of His followers. We know very little about that forty-day window except that Jesus met with His closest followers and taught them about the Kingdom of God. Then Pentecost came, and they were Spirit-filled with a new boldness to speak the truth about their Lord. Easter, and the lesson of this season’s shaking, is far more about the person of Jesus than about a virus. Pastor Allen Jackson says, “We are walking through a crisis, but God is delivering us. His Spirit will be poured out in the season that we have seen beginning. The question is about your response and mine. What will we do? Will we cooperate with Him?”
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